Get started in󠀾 5 minutes

  • Fast, simple, and secure - all we need is your metadata.
  • Experience insights & recommendations within minutes of setup.
  • Automated coverage - no tests or manual intervention required.

Detect and resolve critical problems with
AI-driven insights

  • Address issues before they reach downstream users.
  • Know when, why, what, how, & where to enable efficient troubleshooting.
  • Automated root cause assessment and incident management at scale.

Maximize the ROI of your data

  • Experience faster time to resolution with streamlined identification and resolution.
  • Prevent outages with automated monitoring and anomaly detection.
  • Stay informed with real-time notifications regarding data under and over utilization.

Ensure balanced data spend

  • Get real-time insights into resource usage and associated costs.
  • Assess where data spend is concentrated and if it aligns with your priorities.
  • Make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation without overspend.

Integrations and real-time alerts

  • Prebuilt connectors: Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, Databricks, Thoughtspot, Alation, dbt, and Jira.
  • Instant 360-degree observability.
  • Real-time alerts on Slack.
Architected to Help You Grow
Whether you are a small startup or a publicly traded enterprise with hundreds of millions of users, our platform scales to meet your needs. We pride on our ability to delight our customers, no matter your role or tech stack in place.
We delight our customers, no matter their role or tech stack in place.
Read our case studies
reduction in data spend
time saved on data-related debugging time
millions of unnecessary queries eliminated from warehouses

Questions & Answers

How to get started with Revefi?
Is my data secure?
When will I see the results?
Master your
data projects now!